Great props for your classroom

English pronunciation can be tough to grasp for ESL students. Some words and sounds may be difficult to pronounce and are often complex. Here are some activities to help your students to pronounce those confusing words.

 Props will have a big impact on your teaching style in the classroom. It gives tasks and activities a little more dimension and are meant to keep your students focused while having fun.

1. Mini White boards

To start if off, white boards can be used for a wide variety of activities and they can be used on a daily basis. Young ESL students love working on white boards much more than the old school pen and paper, which helps them to stay focused and engaged. A 10”x12” is the perfect size! Some basic activities will include quizzes, Pictionary, board races or “describe and draw”.


2. Verb cards

A set of flashcards is a great prop to have in your ESL classroom. We’ve noticed that sets of them with 20-30 common verbs can be used for almost any grammar point, from present simple to third conditional. Ask your students to generate questions out of the verbs or let them mime the verb to their classmates.


3. Characters

Children are more likely to open up and talk when their favorite character or toy is involved. Be sure to have 2 – 3 famous characters to assist you with your lesson. A teaching tiger might be the go-to character this year. Your students will find it very amusing and before they even know it, class will be done.


4. Post-it notes

Something as simple as sticky notes will give you a wide variety of activities you can do with your students. Ask them to answer the written question on the board and use the sticky notes as an “exit ticket” before your students leave. You can also write letters on them and ask your students to make up words out of all the letters. Or simply use them as scrap paper for your ESL students to gather their thoughts while giving them time to think about the lesson. The possibilities really are endless.


5. A timer

This really works well to keep students interested and focused on a subject within the given time frame. A cheap timer with a loud beeping sound will clearly indicate when the students should start/stop with certain activities and will keep them alert.


A child’s average attention span is about 15 – 20 min (ages 7 -10) and can be affected by numerous things. Classroom props have been proven to keep a young learner’s attention when using the correct props and the right method.


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