The 5 happiest countries in the world

Measuring the happiness of citizens in different countries is not as easy as it sounds. Especially with all that’s going on in the world at the moment, but it definitely hasn’t stopped the U.N Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Every year they publish their “World Happiness Report” and usually the data stays more or less the same, but it’s still interesting to take a look!

Check out the top 5 happiest countries in the world.


5.    Netherlands

Throughout this unbelievable year lives were restricted and livelihoods were strained, but Netherlands has shown us great numbers in categories like employment satisfaction, social support and trust in public institutions.

The country shows low levels of corruption, good social structure and happy kids!

Their happiness levels have stayed the same for 15 years! A 2013 UNICEF report has said that Dutch children are some of the happiest children in the world. This is based off metrics related to their educational wellbeing, safety and health.


4.    Iceland

Equality and inclusion is what keeps everyone happy in this country. For example, it’s illegal to pay women and men differently for the same job (as it should be)! Maternity leave is also split between a couple, so male employees are also likely to get time off when having children (again – as it should be). It’s also a beautiful country and they are known for their extremely low crime levels.


3.    Switzerland

The citizens of Switzerland play a big part in their country’s evolution. They get to have a say and vote on basically anything, like the amount of vacation days workers should have. Not to mention the natural beauty of the Swiss Alps, Lake Geneva, the Eiger and the Matterhorn. There’s a strong suggestion that green spaces and happiness might have a direct link with each other. That would explain why it moved up three spots this year.


2.    Denmark

Setting an example with their high renewable energy production is Denmark! To be exact, an incredible 39.1% wind energy has been generated in 2014.

Researchers also say this country is amongst the top happiest countries because of their good results in categories like:  

·      Economic security.

·      Freedom.

·      A good work life balance.

·      Civil participation.

·      Generosity among citizens.

·      Trust in the government.

1.     Finland

Once again Finland takes the spot as the happiest country in the world! Finland is well known for their superb educational systems, but they also have extremely low crime levels and a high standard of living. The beautiful landscapes go along with their chilled out way of life. No wonder it’s their fourth year in a row placing first on the list.

Work life balance, freedom and communal participation along with a caring government are some of the great factors that contribute to the happiness of citizens in different countries.

We hope reading about the happiest countries in the world lifted your spirits!


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