Getting Started
What you need to teach in China
To work in China, you need to be prepared beforehand! We have compiled the paperwork you need to ensure you’re heading over to China legally.
Get a teaching qualification
The most simple to gain is the TEFL/TESOL qualification. However, if you are considering teaching long term it may be worth considering other options.
Authenticate your documents
To work legally in China, you have to go through a triple authentication process with several of your documents.
Types of schools
There are varied opportunities in China depending on your skillset and interests. It’s worth considering your ideal age group and working schedule.
CVs and intro videos
Marketing yourself in the right way is important. There are certain expectations when applying for jobs in China and we have compiled this information.
What to pack
What should you bring to China? Here are some things to consider!
Living in China - what to expect
Moving to China can be a real culture shock and it can be hard to adapt. Read our tips to make the adjustment a little easier.