Unusual adjectives to add to your vocabulary

We all struggle at times to get that perfect word to describe someone or something. We tend to always use the same old words like “nice”, “amazing” or “great”. It’s time to improve your language skills with these unusual adjectives.


1.     Comely /ˈkʌmli/

Someone attractive can be described as ‘comely’. For example, the comely actress walked across the stage. It can also mean ‘agreeable’ or ‘suitable’.


2.     Irksome /ˈəːks(ə)m/

If that co-worker is annoying you at work again, you have can use the word ‘irksome’ to describe them. Irksome means irritating or annoying. This can be used to describe literally anything. Like an irksome journey, irksome family or irksome chores.


3.     Noxious /ˈnɒkʃəs/

Noxious means harmful, poisonous or very unpleasant. Like the fumes in a chemical factory or lab are noxious.


4.     Querulous /ˈkwɛrʊləs,ˈkwɛrjʊləs/

We all know a person that is quite querulous. This could be a cousin, other half or sibling. Querulous means complaining in a rather petulant or whining manner.


5.     Petulant /ˈpɛtjʊl(ə)nt/

Petulant means childishly sulky or bad tempered. This is like a toddler throwing a tantrum for no reason or when they don’t get their way. Some adults behave like this too…


6.     Cerulean /sɪˈruːlɪən/

This means deep blue in colour like a clear sky. It can be used to describe any object with this colour, like the cerulean eyes of a comely lad or the cerulean background of the painting.


7.     Sagacious /səˈɡeɪʃəs/

Sagacious means having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd. Your may view your idol, elder or role model as sagacious.


8.     Effulgent /ɪˈfʌldʒ(ə)nt/

This word is usually used in describing a person or their expression. It means emanating joy or goodness. This word can definitely be used to describe emotion to a reader or listener. For example, the father had an effulgent smile on his face when he saw his son.

9.     Hubristic /h(j)uːˈbrɪstɪk/

This is usually used in a negative context. It is used to describe someone who is excessively proud or self-confident.

Always remember, when it comes to adjectives, quality is always better than quantity. Using a unique adjective to describe a person, event or feeling will definitely help the reader or listener to get a clearer understanding.


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