Getting back into your routine as a teacher

Long breaks are great to recover, but they also present a serious threat to your daily routine!

Learning how to prevent such disruptions is an essential skill for all teachers. With that said, we’ve gathered 5 tips to ease back into your teaching routine.


1.    Make the first Steps Fun

Whatever you do during the first week, make it a fun week. If you are doing planning, try doing it in a park or café, or somewhere that has perks like good coffee and snacks, fresh air, or amusing distractions.


2.    Begin a better sleeping and walking schedule

During holiday your sleeping routine is different. Getting up late in the morning and going to bed late at night. Your body will experience a huge shock when school starts again.  When you get closer to going back to school, start changing your routine slowly but surely.


3.    Always do your homework on time

While on holiday, watching TV and spend time with family and friends can be much more pleasant, but if you let your prepping slip and pile up, you will find yourself in trouble and stressed out when school starts again.


4.    Make sure you have all you need

Another important feature of school you shouldn’t leave until returning to school is getting supplies you need. Start stocking up on supplies during holiday.  You will save yourself the frustration of running around on your first day back at school.


5.    Find a Friend

If you have a colleague or friend at school you can help each other set up your classrooms. You can organise books and materials together. Writing unit plans together. When returning to school, you will have a lot to talk about with your colleagues.


We hope this list gets you back in routine like you haven’t even left the class!


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