Back to school activities for your students

It’s tempting to start a school year by diving into the curriculum and getting students started on those important tasks immediately. However, do not forget that it is just as important to make sure that your students are comfortable and get to know each other on the first day. Social and emotional interactions can make all the difference. Here are a few back to school activities to get your students excited for what’s to come.

1.     Dicebreakers

All you need for this activity is a pair of dice and questions to get to know your students. Each number has a question attached to it, for example if the student rolls the dice and it falls on 3, the student should answer a question, like ‘What is your favourite type of food?’

This will help you to get to know your students and it will also help your students interact with each other.

2.     Pass the Ball

This is a simple activity that can be used by preschoolers to adults. The only thing you’ll need is a ball the students can pass to each other. The student that passes the ball has to say the name of the student they are throwing it to, for example “I am throwing the ball to Mary”. That way students will get to know each other and will feel more comfortable in each other’s presence.

3.     Find a Friend

To play this game, students should receive worksheets that set out topics, such as foods, sports, games, etc. from which the students should pick their favourites. After choosing their favourite options, students should find classmates with matching favourite items. Students will see what they have in common with their classmates and this will be a natural conversation starter.

4.     Summer/ Holiday Memories

This activity is a classic! Let your students write an essay or describe orally what they did during the holidays. Make sure that you choose an option that reflects your students’ abilities and skills.

5.     Decorating time

Make your students feel included and valued by helping them to decorate the classroom at the start of the semester. You can split the class into groups and designate a wall to each group. Give your students the freedom to decide how they want to decorate their wall (within certain limits of course!). You can distribute markers, posters and chart paper that the students can use.

6.     Student surveys

This is a great activity to get a feel for your new students, their likes and dislikes, learning styles and strengths and weaknesses. You can use surveys to collect a broad range of information about your students. To make sure your students give honest feedback, have them complete the surveys anonymously. You can ask questions specifically about seating arrangements, noise levels in the class and learning styles.

These activities will help you to prepare your students for the year to come! Spending time to make your students feel comfortable will pay off at the end of the day. It’s important to make sure that these activities are enjoyable, but that they also take place in an orderly fashion to set the tone for the rest of the year. The first day of school is always coupled with a bit of anxiety, but you can put your students as ease with these activities.


Getting back into your routine as a teacher


Getting prepped for the next school year