The most beautiful words of the English language

What makes a word beautiful? Is it the meaning and definition behind the word or is it the overall sound of the word that makes it unique and special?

We’ve collected 20 beautiful words that fit the description perfectly!


1.     Hiraeth:

A deep longing for something, especially one's home.


2.     Limerence

The state of being obsessively infatuated with someone, usually accompanied by delusions of or a desire for an intense romantic relationship with that person.


3.     Petrichor

The pleasant smell of earth after it has rained.


4.     Felicity

The feeling of intense happiness.


5.     Supine

When a person is lying face upwards.


6.     Solitude

The state of seclusion and isolation.


7.     Aurora

The dawn in the early morning.


8.     Idyllic

Like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.


9.     Clinomania

An excessive desire to remain in bed.


10.  Pluviophile

Someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.


11.  Euphoria

A feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.


12.  Phosphenes

The luminous floating stars, swirls, squiggles, and other shapes that you see when rubbing your eyes.


13.  Syzygy

It refers to an alignment of celestial bodies or planets.


14.  Aquiver

Quivering; trembling.


15.  Mellifluous

A sound that is pleasingly smooth and pleasant to hear.


16.  Nefarious

Wicked, criminal, villainous, despicable.


17.  Epoch

A particular period of time in history or a person's life.


18.  Sonorous

An imposingly deep and full sound.


19.  Picturesque

Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.


20.  Sonder

That feeling of realization that each passer-by has a life as vivid and complex as your own.


We hope you’ve found these words as beautiful and entertaining as much as we did.


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