Getting prepped for the next school year

Getting Prepped: Back To School!

The summer holidays are almost over and it’s almost another brand new school year. Are you ready? It always feels like such a rush and we’ve put together some top tips for being ready and organised so your first semester feels like a breeze.

Setting up the classroom environment

You can never do this too soon! Here are some of the things that are worth thinking about:

  • Set up your desk

  • Arrange the classroom furniture, it’s worth changing it up from last year as it gives a fresh perspective to everyone.

  • Decorate the classroom walls; do you have a theme? Let it reflect your personality and how you teach.

  • Do you have classroom techology, smart boards, etc? Check it all works.

  • Make sure you have all the supplies you will need to hand.

  • Decorate your front door!

Start your classroom organisation early

It’s worth thinking about what worked last year, and what else can help run things more efficiently this year:

  • Set your list of rules. What did your students do last year that you want to address straight away this year?

  • Decide your process of how you will enforce these rules.

  • Organise your desk, files and paperwork.

  • Label things in your classroom so it will find its way back to you!

  • Decide your seating plan for your students.

3. Lesson prep

Any lesson prep you can do sooner rather than later is worth doing! Starting a new year is stressful regardless and you’ll be thrown a few curveballs, but you’ll have the headspace to deal with them if you’ve gotten more completed ahead of time.

  • Prepare your back to school icebreaker activities.

  • Have some great time-filler activities prepped for when you might need them.

  • Create all lessons you can be as ahead as you can.

  • Prep a dynamic first lesson back!

We hope this helps you organise your ultimate plan to get into the next school year.


Back to school activities for your students


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