The most ridiculous assignments given by teachers.
Teachers undoubtedly work extremely hard, especially when it comes to reinforcing concepts outside of the classroom through regular homework assignments. Students and parents alike squirm at the thought of endless evening homework, but occasionally, a parent's worst nightmare can come true when the assignment set by the teacher turns out to be just plain weird!
See below for some of the most ridiculous assignments set by teachers…
“My 3rd to 5th grade art teacher once made us work on a drawing for a month to demonstrate how, if we work on a project for too long, we will eventually come to hate it. It worked.” – msfranzke
“In community college, I had a teacher make us write our own 50-question test. She didn’t make us swap them with other students – so we answered our own made-up tests. Of course, I got a perfect score because I came up with the questions. She asked me if I cheated!” – jessicaerins
“In high school English, we had a test on the book ‘Death on the Ice’, and my teacher gave hot chocolate and cookies to every student who got over 90%, water and cookies to anyone who got between 70-89%, and water and hard bread to anyone who got between 50-69%. If you failed, you had to mop the floor. It was like an unfair party, and everyone could tell what grade you got.” – Ikennedy709
“My college psychology professor, a man in his 50s, made our class write several prompted responses and a short paper on the impact of Iggy Azalea’s album ‘The New Classic’. I still, for the life of me, couldn’t tell you why.” – anonymous
“In middle school, I had an English teacher who used to teach college students. Once a week, for 45 minutes, we had to copy, by hand, word-for-word, chapters out of a 40-year-old college textbook.” – anonymous
“When I was in seventh grade and learning about photosynthesis, my science teacher had us pick a partner, find a backing track, and put all the relevant terms into a science rap. Each group had to get up in front of the class and sing their rap. It was extremely embarrassing.” – anonymous
“I took an advanced Spanish 2 class in college. The professor never really planned lessons. One day, we had to play a game where we had to chase each other around, blindfolded. I forgot the objective, but we weren’t even talking in Spanish! We also did other pointless activities like colouring and karaoke.” - yesbutalsonoway
Many of these examples just sound like the teachers were trying to waste some time! What do you think? Did you receive any strange projects when you were in school? Or, as the teacher, have you given any weird assignments to your students? Let us know in the comments!
Source: buzzfeed (