Reasons Kids Need Homework and Reasons They Don’t.
Some feel that homework is a necessary part of school life, whilst others believe that time could be better spent elsewhere. Studies have also shown mixed results on the benefits of homework on a student's academic performance.
…and here stands the classic argument of "for or against homework?" We all know students would argue against it, but as teachers, do we agree? Let's explore below:
1. Improves Understanding
Homework provides students with the opportunity to review class material in a stress-free environment outside of school to help them comprehend. Remember, practice makes perfect!
2. Increases Parent-Child Connection
Homework gives parents a chance to see what their children are learning at school. By allowing parents the opportunity to see how their child is performing, they can also assist with learning in a safe and comfortable environment.
3. Fosters Responsibility and Independence
Giving students a sense of responsibility for their own learning and a part of their educational journey gives them the independence they all begin to crave at a certain age. Homework can help students build healthy, proactive habits for the future.
4. Enhances Motivation
After students have invested their time and effort into a project, they are ultimately learning the life lesson that hard work pays off! This way, students should become increasingly motivated to try even harder with every assignment that comes their way in order to experience this sense of accomplishment again.
5. Feedback for Teachers
Returned homework presents teachers with valuable feedback on how well the students have understood the lesson content and how well they have absorbed the knowledge taught in class. It allows us, as teachers, to identify which students need additional support.
1. Students Need Time to Relax
Bombarding students, who have already spent all day studying, with more work may be counterintuitive and have them feeling burnt out. Students need time to refresh their minds and bodies, just as we teachers do at the weekends or evenings!
2. Reduces Time for Extracurricular Activities
Students should be able to explore fun and stimulating hobbies or extracurricular activities that allow them to socialize in a stress-free environment. They need to be able to spend time exploring other activities outside of school, spend time with friends, and go on family holidays.
3. Family Time is Important
If students are deep in their algebra studies, it can be difficult to strike a balance between personal life and schoolwork. Just as it is important for us as adults to keep a healthy balance with our home life, the same rules apply to students too.
4. Additional Stress
With additional assignments alongside work at school, students may feel stress or anxiety should they fail to complete the assignment on time. High school students, in particular, may suffer as they might struggle to make time for part-time work or potentially leading to health problems such as exhaustion or sleep deprivation.
5. Parent-Work?
We know it's all in good faith, giving students work to do at home – sometimes, it's even good fun! However, it's highly likely that parents or personal tutors may have a strong influence on their student's homework. So really, how beneficial is it for the child?
When it comes down to it, we suppose it simply depends on the individual students and whether homework is something they gain a sense of achievement from. Let's all remember that quality comes before quantity when it comes to homework!