Leaving China? Collect this paperwork!

Are you planning to leave, or starting to think about leaving China and moving back home or to another country?

It is definitely worth collecting the following paperwork to save you some hassle in the long run. Here is what we believe you should collect to prepare for anything the future throws at you.

1. Cancellation/release letter

If there is any slight chance that you will be wanting to return to China at a later date, a cancellation letter and release form will be very useful in processing your application.

We speak from experience with existing candidates that it will make your life much easier if you have this paperwork to hand, if you are planning to return to China in the future.

2. Your original documents

Such as your degree, TEFL, etc. We know certain schools like to try to hold onto these specific documents. It’s better to get them back as soon as you can, however if you don’t have them already, make sure you pick them up in plenty of time before you leave.

3. Work reference letter

Make sure you obtain a reference letter from your current job while you’re there. This could come in handy in the future - wherever you end up in the world.

Depending on your school and management, etc. There may not be a possibility for you to obtain a reference letter once you’ve left (particularly when you’re out of the country) as it may not be seen as a priority. Especially if your manager has moved on.

4. Landlord reference letter

You’ve got your work reference letter, a landlord one is also a real benefit. Often, landlords in any country want proof that you were a good tenant in a previous property and many would consider one from your Chinese landlord. Write up everything you’d like it to say and then ask your landlord to sign it. (Show them a translated version first so they know what they’re signing!)

5. Criminal background check

Whatever job you’re looking for in the future, this is a piece of paperwork that’s definitely worth picking up before you leave, especially as it’s incredibly difficult to get once you’re out of the country. You may not need it, but it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry.

Your city’s entry-exit bureau or local police station should be able to help you with this paperwork. These are the top 5 bits of paperwork we highly recommend you getting if you’re planning on leaving China - it’ll make your life much easier!


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