Fun Christmas writing ESL Activities

Christmas is almost here! We have compiled some great Christmas-themed writing activities to keep the festivities alive in your classroom.

Students don’t always love a writing lesson, but maybe these subjects will keep them entertained and engaged.

1. Your perfect Christmas Day

Encourage the children to write out a schedule for their perfect Christmas Day. You could encourage pair discussion beforehand to get the ideas flowing.

This would also be a great activity for the students to read out their perfect Christmas Day.

2. Santa’s Elves

Tell the class to pretend they are one of Santa’s elves.

Brainstorm as a class the types of things that elves may do, and encourage them to be as creative as possible! Here are some starting points:

  • - Working in Santa’s workshop

  • - Living in the North Pole

  • - Where do they sleep?

  • - What do they eat?

Once the students have been given a few ideas, encourage them to write a diary entry of the day

in the life of an elf.

3. Reflection

Tell your students to think about Christmas last year and remember as many details as possible.

Encourage them to think about:

  • - How was life different then?

  • - What has changed for this Christmas?

  • - What have you achieved?

Encourage the students to write down at least five things that have changed since the last festive


4. Santa’s Christmas List

This would be a great one for pair work.

Arrange the students into pairs or groups and get them to brainstorm what Santa might want for Christmas! A great activity to get them to step into another person’s shoes.

5. Make up the history

Talk with your students - why did Santa decide bringing gifts to children?

Encourage them to write a creative piece on how Santa bringing presents to children began.

6. If you had unlimited money...

Always a great discussion for students of all ages. Why not engage the students in a discussion and then write a piece on what they would buy their families for Christmas if they had unlimited money.

7. Best present ever received

Another great writing topic is encouraging the students to write in detail about the best present they’ve ever received. A particularly good one to encourage some students to read aloud to the class after.

8. Christmas dinner menu

Prepare information on different Christmas dishes and meals throughout the world. Distribute this information to the students and have a discussion on likes / dislikes.

Set the task for the students to write up an ideal Christmas menu of a starter, main, and dessert.

All students can read out their menus and the class can vote who has the best one.

We hope these are some interesting and engaging ideas for your class to bring some Christmas cheer!


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