7 reasons why native English speakers should learn a 2nd language

We live in a multilingual world, where connections are now more important than ever before. To stand out from the crowd, learn a second language!


There are wonderful benefits to being bilingual:

·      It can help you in your career.

·      It can help increase your understanding of the languages you already speak.

·      It can help you when traveling

·      It keeps your mind active

·      A great sense of accomplishment


As more companies trade internationally and create relationships with other countries, employees are often asked to travel for work, enhance these relationships, or be relocated abroad.

1. Learning a second language demonstrates a willingness to go beyond the surface

Understanding at least a little bit of another language makes integration more of a reality while traveling abroad. Interaction with locals will be instantly improved.


2. Learning a second language could be necessary for survival

 When you are in an emergency, and you are only surrounded by non-English speakers, it can save your life to know a second language!


3. To learn a second language is very exciting

It is like solving a riddle.  Understanding what foreign people are saying, makes their culture more exciting and building relationships will automatically become easier.

4. Learning a second language gets rid of unfair expectations

Do not assume that everyone will speak English when you travel.  Know how to navigate your way through multicultural situations. People will assist you more when you try to communicate in their language, even if you don’t get it perfect.


5. Learning a second language is respectful

Learn at least the basics of a foreign language.  Locals might laugh at your mistakes, but they will respect you for your attempt. Trying goes a long way!


6. Learning a second language makes you more attractive

Knowing another language is very useful when it comes to dating. It makes the potential market for dating much bigger.


7. Learning a second language is essential to be competitive in the job market

Knowing more than one language will make you the better candidate in any job opportunity. With globalisation, employers find value in employees that know more than one language.

Learning a second language can be challenging, but it pays off at the end of the day. Better communication, friendships and opportunities are just a few things that will sprout from learning a new language.



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