20 useless (but very entertaining) facts

Whether you’re looking for a fun read or if you just want to kill some time, we have gathered some useless facts we thought are worth sharing!

1.    Snapple’s 1001 “Real Facts” aren’t true.

Some of them are real facts, but a lot of them are false and incomplete or myths.

2.    The inventor of Pringles is buried in a Pringles can!

Fredric Baur - the mastermind behind stacking chips in a can.
His burial wishes were for his ashes to be buried in a Pringles can. After he passed, his family respectfully brought the original flavored Pringle can on their way to the funeral home for the collection of his ashes.

3.    Spoonfeed is the longest word with its letters in reverse alphabetical order.

Trollied came in second with eight letters, but spoonfeed takes the cake with nine letters!

4.    What’s the name of the lint at the bottom of your pocket?

Did you know the lint found at the bottom of your pocket has a name? It’s “gnurr!”

5.    Dolphins give each other names

No, the dolphins didn’t tell us this, it’s according to a study done in 2013 by the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.” According to their research, bottlenose dolphins develop unique identity signal whistles for each other.

6.    Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins

According to the ZSL London Zoo, sloths can hold their breath for 30 minutes longer than dolphins! Their long, strong arms also make them great swimmers.

7.    What’s the chance I’ll live to be 100 years old?

Only one in every two billion people will live to be 100 years old or older.

8.    Cheesed to meet you!

The cheesiest pizza ever had a variety of 154 different cheeses! Johnny Di Francesco set the Guinness World record for the cheesiest pizza. The 2014 film “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” inspired him to do so when it was claimed to be impossible to make a 99-cheese pizza in the movie.

9.    The dog breed that doesn’t bark

The Basenji dog breed isn’t completely silent though. According to the American Kennel Club, "they make their feelings known with an odd sound described as something between a chortle and a yodel." So if you’re into yodeling, then the Basenji dog breed will be perfect for you!

10. Sweat doesn’t smell bad

Your sweat doesn’t stink! The bad smell is caused by bacteria breaking down the protein in your sweat that can turn it into unpleasant acids, according to Medical News Today.

11. How much does the average person dream?

According to the National Sleep Foundation and a study completed in 2003 by the Association for the Study of Dreams, the average person dreams four to six dreams every single night.

12. The sun’s mass

According to the experts at Space.com, the sun makes up an unbelievable 99.8 percent of our solar system’s entire mass.

13. “Kleopatra” – The metallic asteroid shaped like a dog bone

Somewhere in outer space there is a metallic “minor planet” shaped similarly to a dog bone and named after the Egyptian queen. What an amazing universe we live in.

14. Royal cows on waterbeds

Osman – The manager of the royals’ farm at Windsor Great Park said on an episode of BBC’s Countryfile that the monarch’s 165 dairy cows spend much of their time relaxing on waterbeds.

15. You spray 2.5 drops of saliva per word.

 An average talker sprays about 300 microscopic saliva droplets per minute! Busta Rhymes might have different statistics.

16. The longest recorded time without sleep.

The longest recorded time of a person without sleep is 11 days (264 hours more or less).

17. Ice cream warms the body.

 Hot weather and ice cream sound like the perfect combo, but it’s actually not. Ice cream warms up our bodies, rather than cooling down due to the high fat content.

18. The average belly button has over 67 species of bacteria

Research shows that the belly button is full of unknown bacteria, according to the study from 60 belly buttons the team found 2,368 bacterial species overall of which 1,458 may be new to science.

19. The only insect that can turn its head

The Praying Mantis is the only known insect that can rotate its head from side to side.

20. The computer mouse was once known as the turtle

Because of its hard shell and moving part underneath, manufacturers referred to early versions of the computer mouse as the turtle.


There you have it! 20 great facts for your enjoyment. Some of them are great conversation starters, but most of them are just utterly useless.


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