Great motivational must-reads

If you’re lacking a sense of purpose right now, self-help books might be the way to go. Take a look at our top picks, and you may find one of these will be the perfect inspiration to jump-start a new perspective on life.

Atomic habits

Self-help and self-improvement can be a bit of a hamster wheel. That is to say, it's easy to get trapped inside the idea of improving your life without ever doing it. Atomic Habits is well worth reading cover-to-cover as it is full of actionable information about habits, from how and why we form them to how to break them and make them. If you’re trying to change your habits, this is the book for you.


The subtle art of not giving a fu#k

This book is a counterintuitive approach to living a "Good Life." Mark Manson invites us to go beyond the current discourse around self-development, which consists of forcing us to; always be the “best” version of ourselves and to practise the subtle art of not giving a fu#k -in other words, clarify our life choices and help us figure out what is valuable and what is not. In this respect, the attitude of not giving a fu#k is a simple way of reorienting your expectations. This book is perfect for someone who over-thinks and worries about things that are out of their control.


The power of now

The power of now is a guide to spiritual enlightenment that explores the transformative bounties of living in the present moment. The concept of self-reflection and being present in the moment is presented beautifully in this book, along with simple exercises to achieve these principles. Trying to be ready for something that is already here seems funny to consider, and that is the type of thinking that this book helps to inspire. So, if you’re always worried about the future and what comes next, then try out this book so that you can enjoy life as it is - not just as it will or could be.


Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly is a book in which author Brene Brown shares her research on vulnerability. The author states that vulnerability is about being genuine and having the courage to show your vulnerability, even if it might hurt. This book goes into depth about what vulnerability is, myths on the topic, and what to do when vulnerability does not end well for you. Because we all have to be vulnerable at different points in our lives, it is critical to fully understand it and to know what to do when vulnerability leads to pain.


Rich Dad Poor Dad

This book is a gem. It gives you simple explanations of how money works. It will not give trading tips, but it does help you understand the things that no one teaches us in school or at home. The financial insights in this book aid you in taking action and being your own boss. This book teaches us about money, mindset, challenges, tactics and balancing life. It is not a bulky read, so you will learn the value of the correct type of investing and the right way of earning and using money in no time!


Great games using mini whiteboards.


The trap of perfectionism