Awesome facts about Christmas 2

We thought we would share a few more Christmas facts, following on from part 1!

  1. Christmas trees have been around for a long time
    The tradition of decorating evergreens at winter time dates all the way back to the ancient Egyptians and Romans. It was to symbolise that spring would return.

  2. Decorating is dangerous
    In America, it is estimated that almost 15,000 people a year visit hospital emergency rooms each year from Christmas-related decorating accidents. Be careful when decorating everyone!

  3. The history of the term “Xmas”
    “Xmas” is not as modern as people think. It actually dates back to as early as the 1500s. In 1551 the holiday was regularly called “Xtemmas” which eventually was shortened to “Xmas”.

  4. Where did tinsel come from?
    Tinsel originated from Germany, invented in 1610. It was originally made from real silver; a lot less tacky than it is now!

  5. How many calories?
    It is estimated that most people can consume up to 7,000 calories on Christmas Day! So basically over 3 days worth of food for the average person. It adds up easily when you consider the heavy meal, desserts, alcohol and chocolate!

  6. Twelve days of Christmas
    What do you think the gifts in the “12 Days of Christmas” total to? It’s 364 gifts all together!

  7. Where did Rudolph’s Red Nose Came From?
    Norwegian scientists assume that Rudolph got his red nose from a parasitic infection of his respiratory system.

  8. What was the first Christmas tree decoration?
    The first known Christmas tree decorations were apples! 

We hope you enjoyed part 2 as much as part 1! How many did you already know?


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