8 Top Countries to be an ESL Teacher 2022

One of the reasons why being an ESL teacher is so popular, is that you can travel the world while having your dream job! Whatever your preferences, there is definitely a perfect destination out there for you. Here are a few countries other than the usual ones where you can live out your dream as an ESL teacher going forward.

Please check restrictions and requirements for each country as they will be affected due to the pandemic.

1. South Korea

Each year the ESL market continues to grow in South Korea. Probably because of all the benefits offered by both private and public schools! They have a lot of available positions for ESL teachers and they offer more benefits than most Asian countries (accommodation, paid flights, Health insurance, severance bonuses). Teachers claim that you can easily save the majority of your salary while teaching in South Korea.

Average living costs: $1.000 – $1.400

Average salary range: $1.100 – $4.400

2. Japan

Many expats are attracted to Japan because of its unique traditional cultures and breathtakingly beautiful cities. Living costs in Japan can be expensive depending on your location, but with great perks and benefits like paid housing and competitive salaries, it makes it worth the while. You’ll be able to save and live a comfortable lifestyle.

Average living costs: $1.300 - $2.200

Average salary range: $1.700 - $5.000

3. Vietnam

Unlike the normal nine-to-five work routine, Vietnam is known for having a more relaxed work-life balance. The country attracts millions of tourists and expats each year because of its lush and dramatic landscapes. Covid-19 has made it difficult to get into this country for foreigners recently, but teachers have been allowed to enter as “Expert Workers” and now it’s one of the best countries to teach ESL.

Average living costs: $900 - $1.400

Average salary range: $1.200 - $2.200

4. Thailand

A great destination for ESL teachers (especially popular with non-Native English speakers). Thailand has it all, from rich culture of food to dramatic landscapes and beautiful beaches. The Thai government has recently announced that their borders will be opened for visitors, which makes it one of the easier countries to get into at the moment. Like Vietnam, the living costs in Thailand are also very low, and that’s one of the main reasons teachers love it so much.

Average living costs: $900 - $2.000

Average salary range: $850 - $2.500

5. Taiwan

Taiwan is known for being one of the most progressive countries, and has become more popular with English teachers over the years. The living costs are relatively low and they offer a lot of benefits for ESL teachers (which adds to your saving or spending money). Most positions include perks like housing, paid flights and severance pay. Teachers love this destination and like to explore the beauty of the country when they’re not teaching.

Average living costs: $1.000 - $1.600

Average salary range: $2.000 - $2.400

6. Spain

Experience the charm of Spain!

Unlike most countries, this popular destination doesn’t give preferential treatment to British or Irish Native speaking countries. The government encourages North American ESL teachers to teach abroad. Spain is also known to have a better work-life balance than most countries, which makes it perfect for ESL teachers. The living costs might be expensive though.

Average living costs: $1.300 - $2.200

Average salary range: $1.600 - $2.100

7. United Arab Emirates

Because of the high paying salaries and benefits, this is no doubt one of the most popular ones out there and has increased in popularity over the years. It’s not that easy to get into the U.A.E and applicants need formal qualifications in teaching to do so, however it’s not impossible to get a teaching position if you only have TEFL certification.

Average living costs: $1.350 - $1.900

Average salary range: $3.300 - $5.500

8. Czech Republic

Another good contender from Europe, but one of the less popular countries to visit in 2022. The country’s beauty is mesmerising and is undeniably a great place to work and live for any ESL teacher, plus they have more than enough delicious beer for all! The salaries are not extremely high, but the benefits make it worthwhile.

Average living costs: $350 - $750

Average salary range: $700 - $1.300


Teaching abroad will definitely change your life forever. Travelling and teaching is the perfect combination in this day and age. You can experience different cultures, taste the best traditional dishes and tour through top destinations while making a decent salary (with benefits!).  


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