Ways to manage anxiety.

Having occasional feelings of anxiety is a normal part of life. Luckily there are ways to manage and control anxiety and the impact it has on your daily activities as a teacher. Forming good habits can be a step toward overcoming and minimizing stress and anxiety.

We’ve gathered some tips to get you started.

Keeping physically active

Exercise is a really powerful stress reliever as it releases a hormone called dopamine, also known as the “happy hormone”. Keeping physically active can improve your mood as well as your health. You don’t need to run marathons or follow the most rigorous exercise regime to enjoy the benefits of being active. Going on a daily walk can improve your mental and physical wellbeing.


Alcohol and substances

Alcohol or other substances known as “depressants” can worsen existing anxiety. Of course you can enjoy the occasional cocktail or a glass or red wine to wind down after a long day. Just make sure to use alcohol in moderation – whatever that means to you! If you find that it heightens your anxiety, it could be easier to simply steer clear.



If you’re like us and can’t live without that morning cup of coffee to kickstart your day, just be sure to moderate your daily intake. Caffeine may provide a welcoming energy spurt on blue Mondays, but it is also known to increase stress and anxiety. Make sure to limit your intake and be mindful of how may cups you consume a day.


Relaxation techniques

Have you tried out meditation, yoga or breathing techniques? Practicing only 20 minutes of one, or a combination, of these exercises when you wake up or just before turning in for the night can provide physical and mental benefits. These exercises are also considered more relaxing, especially compared to pumping iron at the gym or doing cardio workouts. They can also be practiced anywhere and require minimal equipment or space.


Sleeping is a Priority
Sleeping is a necessity, and we need it to recharge our batteries and function properly. Not getting enough of that much needed shut eye can lead to a higher risk of anxiety. Being sleep deprived can also influence your mood and can make you feel depressed, irritated and cranky. Try to stick to an effective sleeping routine and you’ll observe an improvement in your mood, concentration and levels of anxiety.


Healthy foods
We tend to forget of one easy way to improve anxiety and overall health. Having a well-balanced, healthy diet is not only important for a healthy body, it’s required for a healthy mind. Eating food that is high in carbohydrates, such as whole-grains, releases serotonin in your brain which helps to decrease anxiety levels. A healthy diet does not have to be boring or bland. Modify it to your taste and preferences and replace fast food with nutritious home-cooked meals.


 Identify Triggers

Keep a journal or notes on your phone of events, activities or situations which make you feel anxious. By doing this you should be able to identify the triggers that cause anxiety or stress. You can then use ways to manage or avoid the triggers, like steering clear of certain situations if possible or preparing in advance.


Being isolated can make you feel disconnected from your loved ones and society in general. Sometimes it helps to discuss your feelings or worries with a trusted friend or family member or maybe you just need to spend some time unwinding with friends or family. A support system of friends and family members is an important component to managing anxiety.


Having a solid routine is so underrated! Consistency can make a big difference, especially when it comes to anxiety. Having a planned-out schedule always helps to make your day a little less chaotic and it can give you a sense of stability as well as a sense of direction. Consistency is key!


Small changes can make a big difference. When you feel overwhelmed, try to focus on positive and motivational thoughts. Try out the above tips to keep your anxiety at bay.


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