Visiting Wuxi

I recently went to Wuxi, and would recommend it to anyone wanting a change of scenery – to live or visit.
Wuxi is north-west of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province, and a short (as little as 45mins) high speed train ride away from Shanghai. It is known for being the export hub for rice, silk and textiles for a very looooong time!

There’s plenty to do in Wuxi. I was there for two days but could have stayed a couple more. Read on for the places I visited.

Lake Lihu & Bogong Ecology Park


The hotel I stayed in was right by Lake Lihu, and I was extremely happy I chose this spot! Slightly out of the city centre, and many beautiful areas were within walking distance. I had arrived at about midday, and the lake was the first place my friend and I headed to.

It was open, green, and beautiful. Not too many people were around which made for a calm and peaceful setting. As you walk around the lake and to the ecology park, you walk over many lovely bridges and see a ton of beautiful flowers. Generally, it was a great place to explore and get a nice view of the city from afar.

If you’re a lover of photography, you’re not going to be bored here! What I loved most was actually being able to walk on the grass! In many other Chinese cities, this is an absolute no.

Huishan Ancient Town


Can you visit a Chinese city without visiting the Ancient Town? Absolutely not, and it is always the top of my list in a new place. I love being transported back in time and given a hint of what life was like many years ago. Like many other ancient towns, it’s a blend of old and new, some commercialised areas and some less so if you really look for them. And ooooh it was stunning!

There were flowers everywhere, beautiful architecture and plenty of places to eat or have tea. Definitely a must-see if you ever head to Wuxi.

But now – I was starving and wanted something to eat. My hunger lead me to try the famous Wuxi pork ribs! These ribs are drenched in a deliciously sour and sweet sauce made of rock sugar, red vinegar and shaoxing wine. I recommend you definitely try them and  I really got in the zone of eating them, being slightly heartbroken when I realised I had finished them.

The rest of the day was spent wandering around the shiny and modern CBD and heading to a couple of the local bars. After that, straight to bed!

Taihu Yuantouzhu Scenic


The next day we visited the Taihu Yuantouzhu Scenic Park. It’s a AAAAA rated park so you can guarantee it’s good! I’d recommend going in spring, as they have a whole walkway dedicated to the cherry blossoms – but beware as it will be incredibly busy!

The main thing to know is that the park is HUGE. We spent a few hours there and definitely rushed it. Your ticket also includes a return boat ride out to an island and I think this was my favourite part. There’s a mini beach and an amazingly vibrant temple to walk around, so don’t miss this part if you ever go. There’s an opportunity for short hikes on this island too.

If you’re visiting Wuxi, I would definitely visit here as this was my personal highlight.

Wuxi Overall

Wuxi is actually a place I could live in China. If you like nature, culture and a laid-back atmosphere I would definitely check it out as it was completely worthwhile and up there with other places I have visited in this country!


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