Using technology in the classroom

You can use technology in your classroom to enhance the students’ learning experience. Making use of technology while teaching has many benefits, such as instant accessibility to information, interactive and actively engaged learners and meeting unique needs of different students. Here are ways to integrate technology while you teach.

1.     Presentations

To make presentations more interesting, add interesting and unique elements. We all know that presentation slides with never-ending paragraphs can be boring, so go ahead and use some multimedia effects. This will help to keep the attention of your students. You can include images, graphs and sound effects to make your lesson more engaging and eye-catching.

2.     Use videos

YouTube is filled with great educational content that you can use in your classroom. You can upgrade your lessons by showing students a short video at the beginning to get started or at the end to summarise a lesson. Learning will be enhanced by the visual element in your classroom. Animated videos have a positive impact of learners’ creativity and memory and are a great tool to bring together a lesson.

3.     Feedback

You can use technology to get timely and accurate feedback. You can use tools such as Mentimeter or Poll Everywhere to get an idea of whether your students under a topic or grasp a concept. You create a short quiz on these apps and your students can use internet-enabled devices to answer the quiz. Results of the quiz will be displayed on your dashboard and you will get quick and easy feedback after a lesson.

4.     Virtual field trips

Take your students on a digital adventure to places that would’ve been inaccessible otherwise. These field trips are not limited by distance and are affordable. Virtual field trips are available on different apps, as a Google Cardboard or are provided by organizations such as Discovery Education and National Geographic.  Students can explore and ‘visit’ places like the Empire State Building and the Great Barrier Reef.

5.     Digital mind maps

Mind maps help students to learn new concepts and remember and recall information. Digital mind maps can be created quickly and effectively on platforms such as MindMeister. You can display the platform on a screen that the class can see and brainstorm on topics, subjects and ideas. By discussing the topics with your students while completing the mind map, you’ll introduce interactive factors and oral communication to your lesson.

6.     Online activities for students that finish early

You can set up workstations for students that finish their activities early. This will help students to remain busy and keep learning, even after they completer their primary work. These workstations can incorporate educational videos, learning-based games or other online learning activities to provide extra practice to students.

Experiment with ways to use technology in your classroom and soon you’ll find the ideal set up, techniques and methods that work. Using technology in your classroom will keep students engaged and excited. It also inspires individualised student learning, as students can learn at their own pace.


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