Unusual school subjects

We all know the world is a diverse place. There is no cookie-cutter one size fits all for every country and culture. So why should education be the same? In every country it is necessary to have different priorities in how you can prepare your students for the real world. Take a look at these unique and amazing subjects from around the globe – are there any that you think would be a success in your home country?

1. Financial Literacy in Russia

Financial literacy is about to be included in the school curriculum as a compulsory subject. Developed with the assistance of the World Bank and the domestic Ministry of Finance, students are trained in the proper handling of funds, how to plan income and expenditure items of the family budget, and, most importantly, how to identify financial abuse. In short, this subject will come in handy for every individual in the current world we live in.

2. Folk Dances in Armenia

It’s important to preserve culture! The national authorities of Armenia are convinced that children master the richest cultural traditions and customs of their country by practising a special choreographic dance course that is deemed mandatory. Despite the seemingly frivolous component of the subject, the assessment of the success of students is approached as strictly as in other disciplines. So, you can’t freestyle your way out of this one.


3. UK Forest School

Looking for a school that prepares you for a harsh and merciless life outside of the comfort of your home? Well then, the UK Forest school is the perfect place to start. In this school, children are taught the basics of orientation in the forest and other forest wisdom. For example, you need to be able to build shelters from branches and foliage, light a fire and choose the right fuel for kindling, and navigate the sun, stars, moss on trees and similar signs. Talk about “Bear Grills” in real life!

4. Cyber Wars and Discussions in Israel

As we all know, the Internet has many threats with its dynamic structure designed to lure you in, but the young students of Israel are preparing to confront these threats. This course has so far been introduced only in some schools, the reason being that the risk associated with this course is quite high. Despite the risks, the new course serves as a tool for teaching the correct methods of countering cyber danger and searching for signs of gamer syndrome and other misfortunes. When thinking ahead, this school is surely at the top of its game!

5. School beekeeping in Bashkiria

Did you know that of the most expensive honey on earth is made within several schools in Bashkiria? These schools own their own apiaries, which, with the support of the authorities, are always up to date with the latest technology. The students who are interested in beekeeping are taught the basics of the safe handling of these fantastic insects. They also study their biology, the species of honey plants, and many other skills useful within this craft.

6. Lessons in Happiness in Germany

As the famous Harvey Mackay quote goes “Happiness can be thought, taught and caught.” The German government took this up quite literally as they believe that happiness is something that can be taught. Happiness lessons in several dozen secondary educational institutions have been implemented as a part of the curriculum. Naturally, there are no specialised teachers in this subject. So historians, teachers of literature, directors or priests take on this responsibility. In this study, students learn to be happy, build a harmonious relationship with the world and listen to their hearts. There are no exams for this lesson. Instead, at the end of the year, you need to prepare a project for a charity organisation or shoot a small video on a "good" topic.

7. Emotional Education in Spain

In today’s day and age, being antisocial is nothing new. Good thing that this course is designed for students of all ages. In this course, children learn to listen to the interlocutor, as well as how to interact with other people. Teachers are convinced that emotional intelligence is very important for a successful life. In an atmosphere of trust, students learn empathy, mutual understanding, fighting fears and managing their emotions.

8. Admiring nature in Japan

In Japan, the industrial and post-industrial principle is so great that the past is being forgotten. For this reason, the Ministry of Education of Japan decided to introduce nature observation lessons into the school curriculum. They are held to teach children to look and see the beauty of the world around them. As an outcome, children are taught to see the connection between the plant and animal world, and the features of the interaction of species. Most students would die of envy if they knew that their peers are graded just for sitting on the grass and looking at the greenery.


10 Life skills we could be teaching in schools.


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