Tips for teaching small classes

Teaching small classes may require you to change your approach, as they will have unique challenges and opportunities. Some of the challenges can be anything from students that rapidly complete their work and require additional activities, to students that experience increased anxiety due to fewer students. Here are a few tips to cope with small classes.

1.     Filler activities

Make sure that you have additional activities at hand and that you are prepared to extend your lessons in small classes. In small classes, students tend to finish quicker with the activities. Filler activities could be games, puzzles, extra worksheets or activities focusing on areas where students require practice and work.

2.     Individual attention

An added benefit of teaching small classes is that you may have time to give individual attention to the students. Plan time while students are working quietly on activities, to spend with individual students and provide help with those areas that they struggle with. This will help your students to grow and improve.

3.     Make sure shy students are comfortable

Shy students can find small classes intimidating, because they don’t just fade into the background. Try some icebreaker activities to loosen everyone up and will help the students to get to know one another. Make sure that you don’t unnecessarily put students on the spot. Ensure that students know that it is alright to make mistakes and that the classroom is a safe environment.

4.     Slow down

Even though students may breeze through the lessons and curriculum, take time to make sure that they thoroughly understand the work. As there will be more time available, you can use some of it to review work with students and improve their understanding. You can also review specific lessons with which students struggle. After all, practice makes perfect!

5.     Let students have more influence

Let students take control of the class every now and then. If students feel that they have a say in what’s happening, they will be more engaged and committed. Try to give students a chance in deciding what games to play, activities to do or projects to take on. You should still manage and guide the activity and ensure that students develop in the right areas.

Small classes can still provide huge fulfillment and success! You will get to know the students personally and enjoy seeing their daily improvements. By adjusting your lesson plans and using these tips, you will keep your classes energetic, interesting and fun.


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