Tidy up your classroom!

Believe it or not, but your classroom says a lot about you as a teacher. We want our students to be as productive as possible and an organized classroom has an influence on our teachings and students.

 Here's a list of ideas and tips to consider when decorating your class to ensure maximum engagement in the classroom!

Things to consider

1. Less is more

To start it off, we think it's important to consider the old golden rule of classroom décor. Less is more!

Studies have shown that overly decorated classrooms have had a negative impact on students' abilities to focus for long periods of time. With less décor your class will naturally look bigger and brighter.


2. Remove your teacher desk

A lot of teachers claim to be more productive without their desk, plus it makes your classroom feel much bigger and eliminates the huge pile of papers on your desk.


3. Keep your colour scheme consistent

Create a cohesive learning environment by choosing and sticking to a classroom colour scheme. You can pair the colour scheme with your classroom décor.


4. Classroom decluttering

Remove old papers, broken stationary, outdated curriculums, excess furniture or any other rubbish that might be cluttering up your workspace!


5. Flexible seating options for students

Give students the option to choose their ideal location and position they feel comfortable with. There's an abundance of flexible seating options available to get your students more engaged in learning.

6. Group collaboration

Most teachers only have access to student desks and no tables for group work. Consider grouping your students' desks together for group work and increase their collaboration, communication and engagement.

 7. Showcasing students' work

There are a lot of benefits when it comes to showcasing your students' work on the wall. They feel proud of their work and it keeps them motivated to do their absolute best. Not only that, but it has the potential to have an astounding influence on your classroom décor at the end of the day.

Stretch your money while decorating

1. Items from home

There's no need to break the bank when decorating your class, start off with items you might already have at home.

2. DIY projects

Self-made decorations are trending now and you can even let your students help to make them feel included. Pinterest and Instagram are full of amazing ideas you can use to make your own decorations.

3. Buying in bulk

There are a lot of budget friendly online stores that give discounts when buying large amounts of materials for your classroom. Get the most at the lowest costs and you'll be sorted for years to come.

Don't let your students settle for a boring depressing classroom!


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