Self care for teachers

You’re all looking after your students so much that you may be forgetting to care for yourself! Don’t let yourself burn out - no job or lifestyle is worth it. Here are a few reminders of things you can do to look after yourself.

1. Get your sleep!

Are you depending on coffee just to get through the day? Sleep is so underestimated but is an incredibly simple way to keep your mind sharp, feel rested and generally your best. This will also benefit your students as you’ll be less short tempered and be able to give more care.

An ongoing lack of sleep has been associated with heart attacks, strokes, depression and anxiety, memory loss, a weakened immune system and more.

2. Do fun things with your holidays

There’s a reason teachers get long holidays, because they need them! 

Make sure you’re really maximising your holidays to do things you truly enjoy. Try to avoid spending the whole time sleeping your holiday away. Make sure you get out and about in the fresh air. Book day trips, holidays, spa days, a night in a hotel - whatever you need to bring back your energy.

And make sure you’re also making the most of your weekends. Continue with your hobbies or book the occasional day trip. Whatever it is that makes life worthwhile.

3. Keep as organised as you can

Make a plan to ensure you’re getting things done as and when you need to. If it all builds up it becomes overwhelming and exhausting. The more you can keep this up, the more effortless it becomes. 

Make lists, write a schedule for the week and do whatever it is you need to do to manage your workload - whilst including hobbies and relaxation, too!

4. Maintain your boundaries

We know schools can work you hard. Make sure you maintain the boundaries of what you are capable of doing and what is expected in your contract. It can be hard to voice this, but if you can it could really help you in the long run. If your school are disregarding what you are saying and don’t respect your boundaries, it may be time to begin looking for a new job so things can improve for you in the future.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Totally China if you want to change your position. We will do our best to find the right environment for you.

5. Schedule calls with friends and family

We have all been away from home for a long time. Make sure you are scheduling regular calls with friends and family from home so you don’t feel completely detached. It is great to speak to people who have truly known you for years to bring out your best self.

6. Seek professional support

If you are genuinely struggling, seek professional support. There are many therapists who can hold appointments online and offline, and also apps you can use to book in a time slot.

Don’t hesitate to reach out - these services are there for a reason; because they are needed.

We hope these points give you a good reminder of how to continue taking care of yourself.


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