Need to complete your TEFL?

Did you know we have our own TEFL?

Visit to complete a TEFL that can be authenticated in the US and South Africa. It is a necessary piece of paper for finding your dream teaching job across the globe. However - it is not as difficult as you may think! You can complete it online and it doesn’t take too long!

Complete a TEFL to take the steps towards changing your life now.

Why else should you get a TEFL?

1. Help you get a visa
First and foremost, having a TEFL will help get you onto the correct visa for all countries where you can obtain an ESL teaching job. Think Vietnam, China, Spain, Thailand, Colombia and more! A TEFL or TESOL is the standard recognised certificate in all countries you can teach English as a Foreign Language.

Having the TEFL certificate will help you be able to go to all countries, depending on the country, your own nationality, and other qualifications.

2.   Learn Basic Teaching
The certificate will give you a starting point on how teaching works, so you have a basic understanding of the profession you are about to undertake and can make a good impression. Plunge yourself straight into how to teach the five main elements of language learning; reading, writing, speaking, listening and pronunciation.

Learning the overview and breakdown of the English language is a great starting point for when you begin teaching!

3.    Prove You Care

Getting the TEFL/TESOL completed shows you do actually care about the teaching itself. A TEFL/TESOL certificate shows you were willing to put in the effort to learn the basics on how to teach and you’ll show you’re taking teaching seriously.

You may have many other qualifications, but if it’s not teaching related - it isn’t going to count.

A TEFL/TESOL certificate is easy to get, quick to do and relatively affordable for many so there’s no reason not to get it!

Check ours out NOW at


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