Least popular words of the English language

Have you ever come across a word that made you cringe or feel uncomfortable? You’re not alone! Unpopular words are mostly identified by the association or the sound of that word. We’ve gathered 9 words that you might find repulsive and the reason behind it.


We’re starting it off with one of the cringiest words known to man, moist - meaning slightly wet.

Researchers from Oberlin College in Ohio ran experiments to find out why so many people dislike this word. The research shows that participants didn’t really have a problem with the pronunciation or the sound of the word, but it usually is in association with bodily functions and fluids, which turned them off.


Smear is high on our list of unpopular words due to the context it’s usually used in. The co-founder of the online tool “The Word Counter”, Gerald Lombardo said it best:

“We use the word ‘smear’ to describe the usually unpleasant spreading of something that is also, usually, unpleasant.”


Ahh, the perfect word for dismissing conversations or a pervious statement!

The word is generally used by people of all ages no matter their background and it usually expresses frustration or the lack of understanding something. Since the word often implies indifference, it’s no wonder that people don’t like it.


Did you know that the word “literally” can be used to acknowledge that something is not literally true? It’s used as an emphasis or to express a strong feeling.

The usage of this word in a figurative way is literally driving people crazy.


First off, “pus” is known for having a very displeasing sound, but it is nothing compared to the definition of the word, which will likely leave you squirming in your seat:

“Pus is used to define a thick yellow fluid type matter produced by the body as an inflammatory response to an infection”.


Another word that’s frowned upon is “Flap”. It refers to a bird in flight, which we can deal with, but it’s also used to describe extra skin or the motion of something able to flap, and that makes it less of a desirable word.


Most might think the word panties is not at all harmful or offensive, but some people do in fact feel uncomfortable when it’s mentioned. It especially triggers females when a male uses the word, as it can often come across as sexualizing girls unintentionally.


The dictionary defines a “foodie” as a person with a particular interest in food. Last we checked, most people have quite the interest in food. What’s next? Breathie? The word is unpopular because it often stirs the pot between foodies and us regular eating folk (see what I did there)?


The meaning and the sound of this word is just nasty. Phlegm is defined as: “the thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages, especially when produced in excessive quantities during a cold.” So, in layman’s terms, it is that gooey, thick substance in your throat that you cough up when sick. Just thinking about it can make you feel unwell.

There you have it! Some of the most hated words in the English language. Let us know if you agree or have some additions to add to the list.


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