6 tips to learn a language quickly

Learning a new language can be a challenge.  If you are in a motivational slump, here are a few tips to get you going again!

1. Learning a language is hard work

Take the necessary time to focus on a real concentrated study. Learning a new language will require hard work, patience and discipline! Some cheap hacks and shortcuts might be helpful to know, but it definitely won’t get the job done properly.

2. Short and simple dialogues

The best place to start your journey of learning a new language would be to read or listen to short and simple stories. Try to find the simplest of material available and start reading even if you don’t understand in the beginning, chances are you’ll end up being exposed to words that make up almost 50% of the language!

3. How to read

The best methods for reading another language are to find simple books that you share similar interests or hobbies with. When reading, read a chapter from start to finish and try to understand as much as possible. Go back and read the chapter once more from the beginning. Finally try to find words that have been repeated a lot throughout the chapter and look them up.

4. Pronunciation first

When learning a new language, start by studying the pronunciation at an early stage, this is one of the key tips to learning a language fast and effectively. Do this by communicating with native speakers of that language. Pay close attention to their pronunciation and mirror them by repeating the sounds until you feel comfortable with it.

You can always master the grammar and vocabulary later on, but getting the pronunciation right from the start will make the whole process much easier.

5. Start speaking early

After you got the pronunciation of words down, try to start speaking the language as early as possible. Try to have as many conversations with as many different people willing to talk to you. The goal is to have a conversation with someone every day, even if you’re using language-exchanging apps or one-on-one lessons with a language tutor. There’s definitely ways to get it done even if you’re not in that country.

6. Watching television

A popular “hack” for learning a new language is to watch television! This is not necessarily the best strategy to follow. Reading books is said to be the better option, but still some people feel this is a great way to start learning a new language. Just remember to keep the subtitles OFF. You’ll learn faster if you don’t read the English dialog at the bottom.

At the end of the day, discipline and consistency will help you achieve your language goals! Learning a new language may be hard work, but it’s definitely worth it once you are fluent.


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