The Interview Process

Now is the time that many teachers are interviewing for new positions for August 2023. Career hunting and working through an interview process can be a job in itself! If you haven’t job searched or interviewed in a while, it can be a little bit of a shock.

We have broken down some of the things you can expect during the interview process.


When you schedule an interview, most of the time you’ll need to provide when you’re available to speak to the school within your working hours.

Lunch breaks and free periods are a great time to schedule your interview. Provide a few days and times you would be available, as it gives the school some options so your interview can be arranged smoothly.

Also note that if something comes up last minute, like a meeting or sickness – it’s completely understandable. Just let your recruiter or the school know as soon as you can so the interview can be rescheduled to a more suitable time.

More than one interview

Chances are you may be expected to attend 2-3 interviews – sometimes more!

Take this as a good sign that the school genuinely cares about whom they are hiring and how you will fit into the team.


Some schools will expect you to provide a demo. Or at the very least, some lesson plans.

Although it feels very stressful to be watched while teaching, just remember that the interviewer isn’t judging just for the sake of judging. They don’t expect things to be perfect, they simply want to see that you are prepared, that you’re engaging, and that you know what you’re talking about.

It's a completely reasonable request for a school to want to see a teacher in action, so they know you are a worthy investment and can maintain the standard of the school.


Occasionally, a school may ask you to take a test. Generally, these are subject positions to check your knowledge of the subject you are teaching.

Try not to stress, ask any questions to help you prepare beforehand and everything will be fine!

Feel free to ask the school/your recruiter to find out more information on the test before you take it, if you think this information would help you.

Meeting in person

Some schools will want to meet you and give you a tour in person. Depending on your location and where you’re moving to, it may not always be possible and will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

However, if you’re already located in the city of the school you’re interviewing with – it may be expected for you to meet management in person. This is also beneficial to you so you can make the best decision possible for yourself when deciding where to work.

Swift response to an offer

When a school provides a candidate with an offer, they often give the deadline of when they would like a response. This is because if you reject the offer, they need time to find other candidates, or to get the ball rolling on processing your visa.

However, deadlines can occasionally be changed with a school as long as you communicate well throughout the process and don’t go silent on them for several days. This does not look good, and the school will assume you’re not interested. If you’d like more time, ask your recruiter or the school directly.


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